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1 Franklin Azzi Pavillon France Exposition Universelle Duba Ï 2020 Luxigon

United Arab Emirates, 2018


French pavilion, world's fair


« I have always loved the desert. One sits down on a desert sand dune, sees nothing, hears nothing. Yet through the silence something throbs, and gleams... » 
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Anchoring, digging, drawing, revealing the spirit of the places. As it could be the leitmotiv that led us through the 2020 French Pavillon conception in Dubai.

This town from the Arabian Gulf carries within itself the fascinating imagination of the Arabian architecture based on the art of geometry and poetics of light. Thanks to its location, it is also a land with extreme climate conditions and a peculiar geological composition.

As part of World’s Fair, beyond demonstrating our ability to conceive and build, the stake has an influence even more symbolic. The architecture proposed needs to represent with respect and intelligence the link between our two countries, France and the United Arab Emirates. Our ambitions are: to show French excellence in various fields (industry, sciences, education, culture…) with pride, to create a bridge between Western and Eastern cultures, and then to offer a message with a worldwide resonance. Indeed, this is the mission of the World’s Fair: being the world’s center of ideas, innovation and creation during 6 months of event. 

    • 2 Franklin Azzi Pavillon France Exposition Universelle Duba Ï 2020 RAR
    • 3 Franklin Azzi Pavillon France Exposition Universelle Duba Ï 2020 DR
  • 4 Franklin Azzi Pavillon France Exposition Universelle Duba Ï 2020 Luxigon
  • 6 Franklin Azzi Pavillon France Exposition Universelle Duba Ï 2020 Franklin Azzi
  • 8 Franklin Azzi Pavillon France Exposition Universelle Duba Ï 2020 Eva Jospin DR
    • 7 Franklin Azzi Pavillon France Exposition Universelle Duba Ï 2020 Charbon DR
    • 9 Franklin Azzi Pavillon France Exposition Universelle Duba Ï 2020 Franklin Azzi
  • 10 Franklin Azzi Pavillon France Exposition Universelle Duba Ï 2020 Trou Noir DR