France, 2023
Endowment Fund
Fabrique, Eva Jospin
Eva Jospin says her "artist's dream is to make [her] garden. I'd like to start it and cultivate it for the rest of my life. I imagine it punctuated with nymphs, waterfalls and follies. [...] I wish I could always return to this wasteland, to this garden." Drawings occupy a special place in his "artist's dream", helping to give his practice the allure of a fertile utopia. How can we define the place to which Eva Jospin aspires, her wasteland garden adorned with buildings, if not as a place in perpetual becoming, always under construction, always threatened with disappearance, and finding, in this very situation, precisely what gives it its quality as an infinite project? [...]
Eva Jospin, who looks at the world with the stratigraphic gaze of an archaeologist, knowing that the world below never ceases to shape the apparent world on which most of our gaze stumbles, takes hold of the sheet to be drawn, in its formal flatness, as if to make it express the breadth and depth it conceals within.
Extract from Pierre Wat's text, Dessins pour un jardin in Emmanuelle Brugerolles, Eva Jospin, dessins pour un jardin, Paris, ENSBA, 2022.
Fabrique, Eva Jospin © Franklin Azzi
Fabrique, Eva Jospin © Franklin Azzi