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Roundtable, temporary installations and urban projects

The second phase of ‘Ta tata en tutu’ event that happened under the Concorde Bridge on the banks of the Seine, hold a roundtable on the issue of interconnection between temporary installations and urban projects. The renewal of the debate on ‘Making the city’ on one side and the evolution of the culture in relationship with the territory on the other side, constitute a bilateral movement that favours new arrangements. Today, transverse connections are made between artistic creation, culture, and territory. To set these many realities in one, we need to identify the cross-challenges, to find a common language and use shared tools. Our view on this new crossroads society needs new filters, devices and equipment to move forward.

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Dominique Alba – APUR (Paris Services of Urbanism) Annette Poelhmann – Artevia (development of cultural projects/events) Pablo Georgieff – Coloco (Contemporary Landscapers Atelier) Viviane Claude – Researcher Franklin Azzi – Architect and project coordinator of the left banks of the Seine

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