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Port Boinot receives the ‘territorial dynamism’ award at the Rubans du Patrimoine ceremony

Our Port Boinot project wins a prize at the Rubans du Patrimoine ceremony.

Developed in collaboration with the City of Niort and Phytolab, the conversion of this former industrial wasteland was honored with the "Territorial Dynamism" award at the ceremony held during the Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel which took place at the Carrousel du Louvre. Deputy Mayor Elmano Martins represented Niort Mayor Jérôme Baloge; Project Manager Marlène GALLAND represented Franklin Azzi Architecture; and Laurent DURASSIER represented ARCHITECTURES - CHABENES ET SCOTT.

The competition is organized by the FFB - Fédération Française du Bâtiment, the Fondation du Patrimoine, the Association des maires de France et des présidents d'intercommunalité, the Fédération Nationale des Caisses d'Epargne (FNCE) and the Groupement Français des Entreprises de Restauration de Monuments Historiques, to reward municipalities that have renovated or enhanced their built heritage.

The Port Boinot site was a major center of activity and employment during the boom period. Closely linked to the town's development and dynamism, it had always remained separate from the town center. The aim of rehabilitating and restructuring the site was to restore its dynamism and attractiveness through a redevelopment project with a contemporary vocabulary. In synergy with the existing offer in the city center, this atypical island now represents a new, essential hub of activity, focusing in particular on tourism, the natural heritage of the Sèvre and the link with the Marais. Niort has regained a port with a new, active relationship with the water, a symbol of openness, connection and travel, but also a founding act of reconnection with its territory.

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