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Press conference, launching of the construction site for the transformation of the Alstom Warehouse

On the occasion of the official launch of the construction site for the transformation of the Alstom Warehouse – leading cultural equipment of the new Creation District within the « Ile de Nantes » project – Lille Mayor Johanna Rolland (also President of the Nantes Metropolis and of the SAMOA), along with the Architect and project coordinator Franklin Azzi, held a press conference on September 25th, 2014, at 10:30 AM in the presence of :

Jean-Luc Charles, SAMOA Chief Executive Officer
Olivier Laboux, President of the University of Nantes
Chantal Cusin-Berche, President of the Nantes Higher School of Fine Arts (ESBANM)
Bernard Brémond, Bremond Group Chief Executive Officer
Franklin Azzi, Architect and project coordinator