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Names Country Date Scale Cost (exc. tax) Command Programmes Status Construction type Mission Type
Thumbnail - INDUSTRIAL DESIGN, DOOR HANDLE INDUSTRIAL DESIGN, DOOR HANDLE France 2015 0 m² ≤ 100 m² N/C Private Product Completed Designing DESIGN
Thumbnail - JÉRÔME DREYFUSS, TOKYO FLAGSHIP STORE JÉRÔME DREYFUSS, TOKYO FLAGSHIP STORE Japan 2014 0 m² ≤ 100 m² N/C Private Store Completed Design Monitoring , Worksite Monitoring INTERIOR DESIGN
Thumbnail - HOUSE V.W HOUSE V.W France 2008 0 m² ≤ 100 m² 150 000 € Private Individual House Completed Rehabilitation, Extension Architecture
Thumbnail - TATIANA TROUVÉ " DESIRE LINES" TATIANA TROUVÉ " DESIRE LINES" United States of America 2015 0 m² ≤ 100 m² N/C Private Artistic collaboration, Artwork Completed Construction DIGITAL LABORATORY
Thumbnail - BLEND BEAUMARCHAIS BLEND BEAUMARCHAIS France 2017 0 m² ≤ 100 m² N/C Private Restaurant Completed
Thumbnail - HOLIDAY CAFÉ HOLIDAY CAFÉ France 2018 0 m² ≤ 100 m² N/C Private Coffee shop, Restaurant Completed Designing, Production Monitoring of Furniture, Worksite Monitoring INTERIOR DESIGN, DESIGN, Architecture, SIGNAGE DESIGN
Thumbnail - VITRA - EAMES IN STRING VITRA - EAMES IN STRING France 2015 0 m² ≤ 100 m² N/C Private Furniture Completed DESIGN
Thumbnail - EIFFEL KIOSK EIFFEL KIOSK France 2020 0 m² ≤ 100 m² N/C Private Coffee shop, Restaurant, Public spaces Completed New Construction Architecture, INTERIOR DESIGN
Thumbnail - ISABEL MARANT, "MERCI ALVAR" LAMP ISABEL MARANT, "MERCI ALVAR" LAMP Denmark 2015 0 m² ≤ 100 m² N/C Private Product Completed Designing, Construction DESIGN
Thumbnail - CÔTE & CIEL, CONCEPT CORNERS CÔTE & CIEL, CONCEPT CORNERS United States of America 2015 0 m² ≤ 100 m² 40 000 € Private Furniture Completed Architectural Charter DESIGN